Voice of The Learner
At SGS College hearing the voices of our student population is at the forefront of our minds allowing us to make changes to enhance our provision for learners at SGS College. At the College we value hearing the voices of all learners and there are a range of ways in which this is achieved through our six step approach to Voice of the Learner.
Course, Campus, College Voice of the Learner
The Course Voice of the Learner provides learners with an opportunity to discuss their experiences at different levels of the College.
- The first stage of this is the class voice of the learner (early October) which allows learners to discuss with their classmates and tutors around their experiences, success or challenges at SGS College so far. At this stage each class nominates a Class Rep who goes on to represent the class at the Department Voice of the Learner.
- It is then at the Department Voice of the Learner (Early November) where representatives from each class come together to raise their class findings, successes or challenges to the Learning Area Manager for that department. Following this, a department representative is nominated to step forward to the Campus Voice of the Learner.
- It is at this stage that department representatives will come together to discuss wider Campus (Mid November) issues such as the canteens, Students Union, lunch time spaces or individual department concerns to the Assistant Principal for that Campus.
- Following this, a campus representative from WISE, Queens Road, Stroud and Filton come together for the College Voice of the Learner to meet with Vice Principals and Principals to raise their voices upwards. The cycle then repeats in the second half of the academic year.
SU Inclusion Committees
New for 2022-23 the Students Union will hold a series of committees focused on inclusion. These committees will be led by a mixture of Enrichment and Tutorial co-ordinators, students and staff leads. The agenda items from each committee will formulate the student voice around inclusion with a focus on making SGS a more inclusive environment. Each of these committees will have a lead rep who will attend the College VotL.
Formal Voice of the Learner
The formal voice of the learner is run by the quality team at the College and is obtained through the First Impressions survey and End of Year Survey.
Informal Voice of the Learner Campaigns
Trialed in 2021-22 the informal voice of the learner campaign saw a “What's in the box?” campaign run by the Students Union allowing students to write down their voice and place in a box. For 2022-23 the SU will look to develop this further by rolling out to more areas of the College including the LibraryPlus+, Careers and Work Placement Hubs, Canteens, The SU and Wellbeing looking to gain further student voice feedback. The findings of these will then be feedback to those particular areas.
Digital Voice of the Learner
Located on the new SGS E-Campus page there is a Microsoft Form that allows learners to feedback anonymously based on their concerns. This Voice of the Learner form will be monitored by the Enrichment and Tutorial Co-Ordinator (Students' Union) and will be open throughout the year with an action plan of actions generated against this.
Student Council Meetings
The Student Council Meetings will take place in the final week of each half term at a dedicated lunch time. Each SU Council meeting will take place in the SU Hubs at each campus, providing the Senior Leadership Team an opportunity to come and speak to learners to further understand the learners needs, wants and voice.