SGS College | Be Outstanding
25/26 Full-time Courses

New full-time study options will be available soon for those wanting to apply for September 2025.


Learners Overview

Apprenticeships allow you to earn while you learn. As an apprentice, you will be employed with the same entitlements as other employees.

How to apply Types of Apprenticeships Smart Assessor Apply


Apprenticeships offer the chance to earn while you learn. As an apprentice, you will be employed with the same entitlements as other employees. You will also follow a structured training programme to ensure you develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours required by employers for you to succeed in the workplace.

Most apprentices stay with their employer at the end of their training, many go on to progress to higher roles within the organisation and become highly valued senior employees.

Apprenticeships are available from level 2 (comparable to GCSE level) to degree level and above. They are a cost-effective way to achieve progression through to degree level qualifications without incurring loans or training costs. Apprentices do not pay towards the cost of their training.

More about Apprenticeships

Our Apprenticeship Team are here to help guide you through your Apprenticeship journey, providing advice and guidance.

[email protected]
SGS Governing Body

Apprenticeship Offers

Explore our Programmes 

How to Apply

At SGS we recruit over 600 apprentices a year for our employers. All our vacancies are advertised on the findanapprenticeship site. Follow the link to SGS vacancies and apply via the findanapprenticeship site.

If you meet the vacancy criteria, we will invite you in to college for a supportive interview. At the interview we will check:

  • That you meet the requirements of the job role
  • That the apprenticeship is at the appropriate level for you
  • That you have researched the company and the job role and that you are well prepared for the employer interview
  • That you have the required levels of maths and English to succeed

We will also ask you about any support needs you may have. Please ensure you bring copies of your certificates if invited to interview.

Types of

Types of Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships are available at levels 2, 3, 4 and Higher. A level 2 apprenticeship will normally fit an entry-level role within the workplace.

A level 3 apprentice will be expected to take on some areas of responsibility within their job role and at level 4 and above, apprentices will typically have some degree of management responsibility and decision making within the business.

Apprenticeship Standards have now replaced frameworks. Designed for a particular vocational area by a representative group of employers, Standards define the knowledge, skills and behaviours that an apprentice must meet to achieve their apprenticeship. The apprentice also has to meet minimum standards in maths and English.

Standards involve an independent End Point Assessment process, and the outcome is graded pass, merit or distinction.

Apprenticeship Duration

All Apprenticeships last a minimum of 12 months, many take longer. Typically, a level 3 Apprenticeship will take 18 – 24 months.  Some technical apprenticeships take significantly longer. A level 3 in a Construction trade can take 3 years.

Your Apprenticeship Journey

Once recruited by your employer, we will appoint a Training Assessor to support you through your apprenticeship.  The training assessor will meet with you and your supervisor to design an Individual Learning Plan.

We will carry out a skills-scan to identify the apprenticeship programme that provides the best fit with the job role and your training requirements.

The assessor will also plan review meetings every 12 weeks to ensure you remain on track to succeed. The assessor will be your key contact for all issues relating to training will support you through the entire journey.


Smart Assessor

Smart Assessor is an electronic collection of a learner’s skills and knowledge, which is assessed by their tutor against a training standard or qualification and replaces paper portfolios.

Learn More About Smart Assessor Login
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Apply for an Apprenticeship 0800 0567 253 | [email protected]

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