999 Academy

The 999 Academy at SGS College is open to all students at SGS looking to forge a career within the public services. The 999 Academy is a collaborative academy between SGS College and Avon & Somerset Police, Avon & Somerset Fire and Rescue & South Western Ambulance Service. The programme is open to all 16-19 learners studying at either our WISE or Filton campuses as part of their extra-curricular activity.

The 999 Academy at SGS College aims to inspire students to create safer communities through their involvement with a variety of projects, volunteering opportunities alongside developing an understanding of the Emergency services. Throughout their time in the academy the learners will learn life and lifesaving skills that enable them to succeed in both society and their chosen career.

The syllabus is varied where learners will learn about a range of subjects including:

  • Responding to Emergencies
  • JESIP (Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles)
  • First Aid
  • Fire Protection & Road accidents
  • Cyber Crime
  • Anti-Terrorism
  • Fitness Testing

SGS have many recent student success stories with learners now working within the Blue Light Services & Armed Forces:

  • Michael Brown - Police Officer
  • Aimee Ford - Metropolitan Police
  • Johnny Neale - Police Officer
  • Dominic Weston - Army - Royal Engineers
  • Keziah Glenn - Paramedic Science at UWE

If you want to develop a career within the Blue Light Services apply now and start your journey with the SGS 999 Academy.

To register your interest please add the 999 Academy to your basket with an academic course, or if you have any additional questions please email [email protected]